Policy & Documents 

Vision: Mount Biggs School strives to develop a purposeful partnership between its staff, community, iwi and students that enhances its safe, inclusive and stimulating environment. A school where values are at the fore and children are at the heart of all we do. “Ko te tamaite te putake o te kaupapa” 

Our values model the values, principles and intent of the NZ Curriculum, with special emphasis on our school C.R.C.S values. Care - Kaitiakitanga, Respect -  Manaakitanga, Co-operate - Mahitahi, Strive - Takakawe.

These values (C.R.C.S) form the basis of our behaviour management and all come under an overarching umbrella of Kindness - Aroha

2024- 2025 School Strategic/Annual Plan

Mount Biggs Charter 202425.pdf

Linked below are some of the key documents that guide our school and decision making. 

2023 statement of variance

2022 statement of variance

(Username: mountbiggs Password: empowering)

2023  Annual Audit Document 

2022  Annual Audit Document 

2021 Annual Audit Document 

Mount Biggs Charter Supporting Documents 2023.pdf
Health Statement 2021.pdf